Harassment Prevention Training. Order it Here.
Employers Group

(800) 748-8484

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Employers Group

(800) 748-8484

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  • Virtual Harassment Prevention Training – pay by hour


    Use this simple Online Order Form for virtual training delivery anywhere.
    Option 1 (pay by the hour):  2 hour for supervisors / 1 hour for  employees.  We do not recommend more than 40 trainees per group.

    Please answer the questions below for this order:

    How many sessions are for supervisors (2 hour AB1825 compliant)?

    How many sessions are for employees (1 hour)?

    How many trainees do you anticipate being in each group (we suggest no more than 30)?

    Will any group need to be trained in Spanish?

    What is the address(es) where the training will be delivered?

    Who is our main point of contact for this initiative? (name, email, phone)

    What dates and times would work best for you? (please provide several choices)

    How did you hear about us?

    Product price: $450.00
    Total options:
    Order total:


    Purchase Harassment Prevention Training Delivered Virtually

    Use this simple Online Order Form for virtual training delivery.  Order as many hours as you need (2 hours for supervisors and 1 hour for employees).  Upon ordering, we will work with you to schedule your training over days, weeks or even months!

    Virtual Harassment Prevention Training ($450)

    The above fee includes the facilitator during regular business hours (8am-5pm) along with electronic materials along with a link (per session) to access the Zoom training.  Upon completion of each session, we will send you the attendance log for documentation purposes.

    Option 1 (pay by the hour)  2 hours supervisory groups or 1 hour employee groups

    Terms & Conditions

    • Ordering: The above fee includes the facilitator for each hour paid (option 1) or 5 consecutive hours (option 2) on the same day during regular business hours (8am-5pm) along with electronic materials.  If scheduling more than one session, 30 minutes minimum is required between groups (with a maximum of 4 groups per day) equating to the following training combinations:
      • Option 1 (virtual delivery pay by hour): 2 hours supervisory groups or 1 hour employee groups
      • Option 2 (in-person or virtual delivery for 5 consecutive hours): 1 or 2 supervisory groups, or 1 supervisory group and 2 employee-level groups, or 3 employee groups, or 4 employee groups.
    • In-Person Training.  Client to provide necessary equipment including flipchart, whiteboard and AV equipment including projector (as needed and as appropriate), unless otherwise agreed.  Trainee must wear mask, be socially distanced, and comply with local requirements regarding group size.   In-person sessions may not exceed 20 trainees as a standard practice.  Please contact us to discuss larger group sizes.
    • Mileage and Travel.  The Client is responsible for mileage costs from the city center of El Segundo or San Francisco (using Google Maps) to the training city center location at the current IRS allowable rates.  Plus, travel time at $100 per hour for any travel time exceeding one hour.
    • Hotel.  For travel 30+ miles or over 1 hour from El Segundo, the Client will be responsible for moderate hotel arrangements the evening before and/or evening after training each training date (not to exceed $200):  Applies when training starts at or before 10am or ends after 7pm.
    • Air Travel. If air travel is required, Client is responsible for cost along with local transportation (rental vehicle or ride share costs), and a per-diem of $125 for meals and incidentals will be charged per delivery and travel day without regard to actual expenses incurred.  Should same day travel (air or otherwise) not be available, a $750 travel day fee will be required.  If Employers Group handles any travel arrangements (air, hotel or rental), there will be a $100 administrative charge per training date.
    • Cancellation & Postponement Policy:  Upon confirmation of training date(s), any postponements, cancellations, or rescheduling of dates will be subject to a charge due to resources being allocated to your project that is no longer being allocated to other clients and the time associated with rescheduling.  Charges are assessed at the lower of the two amounts listed.
      • After Confirmation                      $200 charge for each affected session
      • Less than 30 calendar days         20% or $350 charge of affected session
      • Less than 15 calendar days         50% or $975 charge of each affected session
      • Less than 7 calendar days          100% or $1,850 of each affected session


    Contact Us

    If you have questions, need a quote/proposal for your training project, need more groups per day, your training is located outside the areas noted, or you would like a flat fee for delivery of virtual training, please contact Training@employersgroup.com or 213-999-3941.