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  • WELU Schedule – December 6, 2022

    Link to WELU Central:  WELU Central                                       Link to Materials:  WELU Participant Guide

    TimeSessionPresenterSession LinksPresentation Links
    8:00Panel /Top 2023 Litigation Issues

    As is our WELU tradition, we dive right into the deep end with our opening panel. In this high-level discussion, our panel of top employment attorneys will provide invaluable insights on the most critical issues employers will need to be prepared for in the coming year. The panel is hosted by CEO Mark Wilbur and also provides an opportunity for attendees to interact with the experts.

    Mark Wilbur
    T Warren Jackson, Robert Roginson, Julie Dunne
    Link to SessionN/A
    9:10- 10:30

    We’re in a New Year’s State of Mind- the 2023 Employment Law Update!

    In this informative program, employment law attorneys Jonathan Fraser Light and Karen L. Gabler will present the 2023 employment law update. Attendees will receive a detailed handout providing insights into 100+ new laws, regulations and cases, along with practice tips for employers and human resource professionals.

    Jon Light

    Link to SessionLink to Presentation
    10:30 - 10:40
    10:30 - 2:30
    Sponsor Room- Castle Publications
    (Visit anytime between 10:30-2:30)
    Jane ElliottLink to Sponsor's RoomLink to Order Form

    Leaves of Absence – What Employers Need to Know

    This session will cover the importance of well-drafted job descriptions, an overview of different types of LOA and sharing examples of the biggest LOA mistakes employers make. You will learn best practices and what questions an employer can ask, as well as, documentation they can request.
    Jacqueline Beaumont Ellen Connelly
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation

    Leveraging Your Employee Handbook

    Every workplace has a handbook, and most every handbook is a lengthy document that employees, especially managers, ignore. This presentation will provide practical guidance to attendees on how best to make use of their existing Employee Handbooks, and what steps are necessary to ensure their Employee Handbook doesn’t become a litigation trap.

    Colin Calvert
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation
    10:40-11:40How to Reduce Hiring Risk in 2023 - Background Screening and Drug Testing Trends

    Join Universal Background Screening for a review of recent changes and regulations in 2023 for employment background screening. We will focus on best practices for new hires and ongoing screening within your organization.
    Alan LaskyLink to SessionLink to Presentation
    11:40 - 11:50
    11:50 - 12:10
    Lunch and Learn (pre-recorded, view at your leisure): Form I-9: Upcoming Changes and Future
    Authorization Requirements

    Learn how the features of a proposed new I-9 might lessen employer confusion regarding the current plethora of acceptable work authorization documents.
    Josie Gonzalez
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation
    12:20-1:40Judicial and Employment Law Update

    Our lunchtime keynote will address litigation and judicial decisions that will impact employer practices for 2023. Do not miss this insightful presentation, including Q & A, so you can be adequately prepared for the coming year.

    Richard Simmons
    Link to SessionN/A
    1:50 - 2:00
    2:00 - 3:00
    Dazed & Confused- Navigating the Ever Evolving Laws Surrounding Cannabis (and Psychedelics) in the Workplace

    In this briefing, we will demystify where the law stands and where it is going. And, we will walk through policies, practices and steps employers can take to determine what approach might be best for their business and how to handle novel issues surrounding Cannabis in the workplace.

    Danielle Moore
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation
    2:00 - 3:00
    What are HR's Top Employee Compensation Priorities for 2023

    Organization Leadership’s 2023 plates are full of pressing Human Resources issues; not the least of which is Employee Compensation. If you are being bombarded with conflicting 2023 Salary Increase projections, this session will bring all that data into focus.

    Larry Robinson
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation
    2:00 - 3:00OFCCP Regulation Update for 2023

    This is an affirmative action presentation set up specifically for companies that hold federal contracts and/or subcontracts. This presentation will cover OFCCP meaningful outreach, positive recruitment and applicant tracking in detail.

    We will also cover the OFCCP published proposed changes to the audit Scheduling Letter and Itemized Listing.
    Suzanne Oliva
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation
    3:00 - 3:10
    3:10 - 4:15
    HR Leadership in Precarious Times

    The Great Resignation, talent scarcity, remote work challenges, and even the specter of laying off while simultaneously searching for hard-to-find talent remain front and center for business owners and executives as we begin our post-Covid reintegration. Learning how to interview remote staff by setting expectations and communication rhythms, managing multi-generations at work, and motivating and engaging remote teams remain no easy feat for employers, but certain strategies and approaches will likely make a huge difference.

    Paul Falcone
    Link to SessionLink to Presentation

    Wrap Up and SHRM/HRCI Recertification Credits 
    Completion Survey Link:
    Look for this Link in Chat!